This knitting and crocheting group is open to anyone who wants to learn a new craft or share their talents.
Welcome to Yoga with Sara Lyon LPC RYT! Join Sara for a gentle yoga class introducing the concepts of yoga postures, breathwork, and mindful meditation.
Yoga is supported by the United Way of St. Charles, Creative Family Solutions, and brought to you by the St. Charles Parish Library!
Designed for Adults
Spring Stargazing highlights the stars and constellations of spring in this month's Evening Showings. You and your family will learn to find your way around the spring, night sky using the stars as your guide.
Planetarium Show Notes
Planetarium seating is limited and is on a first come, first served basis.
Due to the unusual lighting conditions in the planetarium, no one is allowed to enter once the show has started. Please come early to take your seats.