Masterpiece Theater- Movie: Top Gun and 3D Printed Model Painting

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Arts, Movies, Social

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Program Description

Event Details

Join us to watch the high flying action/romance film Top Gun (PG 1986 ‧1h 50m). While enjoying the film, everyone will paint a set of 3D printed models of vehicles featured in the movie. 

Movie Synopsis: The Top Gun Naval Fighter Weapons School trains only the best of the best. When hotshot fighter pilot Maverick (Tom Cruise) is sent to the school, his reckless attitude and cocky demeanor put him at odds with the other pilots, especially the cool and collected Iceman (Val Kilmer). But Maverick isn't only competing to be the top fighter pilot, he's also fighting for the attention of his beautiful flight instructor, Charlotte Blackwood (Kelly McGillis).


Designed for Adults